This is my little place for my creativity.


It's time to move on to a place that is more DIY for this DIY-er. Please come on over to see what is up, comment, make suggestions, stalk, or just say hello.
The links are all the same--I have trouble clicking on tiny stuff on my phone so I thought that having it over a few lines of text might make it easier for folks like me.


This is more or less a record of my crafty pursuits. I'll use this space to keep track of promising ideas and my own successes or "learning opportunities" for future reference.

Comments are welcome, but will be removed if they don't actually contribute to the content. In other words, comments should have all meat and no time-sucking fillers.

As I complete the projects/ideas on the right, I'll move them to the left so you can see how well it worked out.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

DYI Quick and Easy Coconut oil stick for diapering, hands, lips, whatever

Coconut oil is magic.  It is antifungal, natural, clean, and all-around good stuff.

We use it on our hands, lips, elbows, and on the baby's backside.  Rashes occur sometimes and this is one option for making it easy to use. 

Coconut oil is solid at normal room temperature but liquid at body temperature.  This means that it goes on like silk.  Having it in stick form makes it easier to apply.  This is what works for us:

1.)  Put some coconut oil (or whatever substance pleases you) into a container to melt.  You can nuke it or put the container in a cup of hot water or whatever.  It doesn't take much.

2.)  Take some paper out of your pantry--it can be freezer paper (my fave) or waxed paper or foil or whatever is non-absorbant.  Cut it into a rectangle or square.  I like to be generous and have it wrapped around 3 or 4 times.

3.)  Roll it up.  I like the handles on my can opener.  Tape it closed.  Scotch tape, masking tape, duct tape, it's all good.  A small rubber band might work, too.  I'll have to remember to try that next time.

4.)  Slide it off and crimp, roll, crush, twist the end so that nothing will drip out.

5.)  Drop it into a small container to keep it upright.  I like these milk-saver bottles. 

6.)  Pour in the good stuff.

7.)  Wait patiently or stick it in the freezer to wait impatiently.  In a few minutes, you have a ready product.  Peel off some of the paper to use it.  I keep it sitting upright in a cup next to the container of wipes for applying with each diaper change. 

This might be a handy way to grease certain cooking items, too.

Total time:  15 minutes (Includes wait time)

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