This is my little place for my creativity.


It's time to move on to a place that is more DIY for this DIY-er. Please come on over to see what is up, comment, make suggestions, stalk, or just say hello.
The links are all the same--I have trouble clicking on tiny stuff on my phone so I thought that having it over a few lines of text might make it easier for folks like me.


This is more or less a record of my crafty pursuits. I'll use this space to keep track of promising ideas and my own successes or "learning opportunities" for future reference.

Comments are welcome, but will be removed if they don't actually contribute to the content. In other words, comments should have all meat and no time-sucking fillers.

As I complete the projects/ideas on the right, I'll move them to the left so you can see how well it worked out.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Blue Jeans Scrap Quilt

Here is a link to a tutorial that I posted on Craftster a couple of years ago.  I have that quilt here beside me on the sofa right now and it is my favorite for using on road trips and for my bed in the winter.  I worked on it in the evenings and when I was stressed out during one month that summer.  It went together quickly and was a delight to make.  I plan to make another, perhaps with regular cottons for the backs of the blocks.  Maybe the next one will be in a diamond pattern or....  So many possibilities.  It is nearly impossible to decide!

Bonus:  I took the upper parts of the jeans that weren't so great for recycling into quilting blocks and made a dog bed.  There is not a tutorial, but the photo here is pretty self explanatory and the zipper area allows for de/restuffing and washing.

Blondgirl's verision of a Jeans Rag Quilt (Instructions/Tutorial/Tut/Tute)

I'd really love to see your own interpretations.  Please send me pix or links to your images.  Any details you want added would be awesome, too.

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