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This is more or less a record of my crafty pursuits. I'll use this space to keep track of promising ideas and my own successes or "learning opportunities" for future reference.

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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Cake #1-Baker's Recipe

I am planning to try to experiment with cake options until I find the one(s) that I want for that upcoming event in the spring.  Here is my first attempt. 

First, this is the site that I discovered the recipe at:
My Baker’s Crush: BAKED (and The Whiteout Cake)

This cake was the most labor-intensive cake I have ever made thus far.  The batter was promising and really seemed to be hinting at a total winner. 

Then I removed it from the oven.  First off, my home smelled like cake, but not heavenly as often occurs.  It looked okay, but not mouth-watering.  The texture was "okay" and the flavor was good, but certainly not better than the throw-it-all-in-and-stir type of cakes. 

Overall, I'd recommend this cake to no one.  On a scale of 1-5 with 5 being incredible and 1 being dogfood, I'd rate this a 3. Almost a 2 because of the work involved.

The icing was interesting.  It is a boiled icing and honestly, it was disappointing to say the least.  I grated some lime zest into it for some kick and that gave just an essence of oomph.  Much better, IMHO.  I'd only use this in the future as a filling for something like a Twinkie.  Seriously, that is exactly what this icing was like.  If I ever make those icing doughnuts for anybody, this is what I'll fill them with.

I debated about washing the rest of the icing down the drain, but figured that I have plenty of Zip-locs and freezer space so why not keep it. 

Getting ready.  I don't have cake pans yet so I made do with these goofy flowery ones that I re-discovered in my kitchen.  The towel strips are to help keep the tops even.  I'll have to try one with and one without to experiment on the difference.

I don't have enough space to do 3 layers so I cup-caked some extras in little heart shaped foils that I got on sale for almost nothing.  This was after 25 minutes.

Cooling down.

Ready for icing.  The icing took a long time and is the mirror of Twinkie filling.

A cake decorator I am NOT so..I made do by sprinkling on some little yellow "crowns" that I got on sale last night.  The sprinkles came in a set of 4 kinds--yellow crown, blue high heels, red apples, and pearls.  I really wanted the pearls to top the wedding cake.  Looking at my lack of talent here, if I don't improve by spring, we will NEED those pearls to distract from my mess!

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