This is my little place for my creativity.


It's time to move on to a place that is more DIY for this DIY-er. Please come on over to see what is up, comment, make suggestions, stalk, or just say hello.
The links are all the same--I have trouble clicking on tiny stuff on my phone so I thought that having it over a few lines of text might make it easier for folks like me.


This is more or less a record of my crafty pursuits. I'll use this space to keep track of promising ideas and my own successes or "learning opportunities" for future reference.

Comments are welcome, but will be removed if they don't actually contribute to the content. In other words, comments should have all meat and no time-sucking fillers.

As I complete the projects/ideas on the right, I'll move them to the left so you can see how well it worked out.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Kindle-Make your own custom cover

I love my Kindle.  I used it to keep contact with my family while I was traveling in South America and it is, of course, perfect for a traveler who enjoys reading.  I have a hard time focusing on one thing at a time, so with that, I can jump from book to book, too.

I needed a cover.  As great as the Kindle is, it is still rather fragile.  I have to send mine back to have the screen replaced because of an unfortunate accident before I had my cover.  Lesson learned.

I have now made two.  The other is a gift, and when that person has it in hand, I'll post the pix of the other one and explain my changes.  This one was my first attempt.  You basicly make a long pocket, put firm, durable protectors in at various levels, and sew seams to keep them in place.  It protects it as well as makes a stand.

Here are my pictures followed by the link:


Here is one that I made on Monday after using the other one.  With that one, the Kindle sometimes slid out the side or the top if my hand went limp (sleep--zzzzz) in bed.  Twice it hit the floor because of sliding out soooooo....I made another one.

Leftover fabric from a skirt.  I bought it with the embroidery on it.

I braided some elastic for the "holder". 

I made some double fold non-bias tape to surround the Kindle and sort of "cradle" it.  If I make this again, I'll put some very thin wooden dowels in there.  The elastic on the other side makes it look wonky.  I am also going to refinish the green border--I didn't realize that was blue thread in there.

Here's a small pocket to tuck in a book light.

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