This is my little place for my creativity.


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This is more or less a record of my crafty pursuits. I'll use this space to keep track of promising ideas and my own successes or "learning opportunities" for future reference.

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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Hospital Survival Kit and Cat toys

Someone in my family is at her due date so I printed out the items to stick on the paper bag and filled it with some goodies--peanuts, gum, sudoku puzzles, hair bands and pins, and a can of blended juice along with a few other items. I hope these help them to have a more comfortable experience.  I'll add the pictures later.
Here's the link to download the printables:
Hospital Survival Kit
I also made a couple of cat toys.  I took an old pill bottle and put a few nuggets of cat food in it to make a rattle, made a little catnip pillow, and stitched elastic all around it in a ray pattern.  I included some waterproof paper (from a map that I have sliced and diced for another project) and made a handle out of some satin ribbon for extra texture and to make a handle to protect human hands.  I also put on a "tail" of slices of pretty fabric.
I had actually made one last night, but my own cat went crazy for it and claimed it so I had to make another one.  My cat actually was wild last night and made loads of noise and was banging around everywhere.  It is pretty easy--texture and stringy parts are fun.  A bit of weight seems to add to the pleasure for the typical cat--perhaps it helps them to pretend they are tormenting a carcass.

Edit: August 12, 2011 to add pix
Cat toy #2.  Here, you can see how I traced a circle then free-handed a bigger one, cut out even bigger of the two fabrics, and then was laying some elastic samples around the edges for kitty fun.

Here's the top sewn together beside the ribbon handle.  I put some cat food kibble in the pill bottle, put that in the sock, and put it all inside with stuffing from old jeans and some plastic-y paper for sound differences.

Ta-da!  Front.

Voila!  Back.

Here's the hospital survival kit.  If you make one, be aware that lots of people probably mean someone else has already brought loads of stuff.  I think one person had brought up a cooler of things.  Mine was simple and intended to be easy and disposable (not more crap to keep up with) but it was entirely without value in the commotion of everything going on. I hope the choices of the contained items were useful, if not to the couple, then to the staff on duty.   This would probably be a great item to anyone who has been in the hospital for a few days, too.

Edit August 18th
Lady bug toy that is way cuter than what I made!

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